Car accidents continue to be a leading cause of death for children. In 2019, an average of 2 children under 13 years of age were killed every day while riding in vehicles. Additionally, in 2019 an estimated 374 children were injured. 38% of those children who died in 2019 were unrestrained. Child … [Read more...]
International Overdose Awareness Day
Each year, August 31st is observed as International Overdose Awareness Day, which is a global event set aside to raise awareness of overdoses. With the rising number of opioid overdoses across the U.S., CPR and First Aid training classes are starting to incorporate the signs, symptoms, and … [Read more...]
Back to school shouldn’t mean back to toxins!
Allyson McCormack is on a mission to clean up AZ one home, one business, one school at a time! As a Norwex Independent Consultant she provides educational workshops (Good Clean Fun) to adults and kids on the greenest cleaning method - water and specialty microfiber along with the opportunity to … [Read more...]
5 Important Keys To Water Safety
My name is Angelee Holt and I have been teaching Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) lessons in Queen Creek for 11+ years. I chose ISR for my oldest child when he was just 15 months old and went through the training that same summer (2007). After having my first child I became so much more aware of … [Read more...]
Forgotten Baby Syndrome
Summer Heat + Kids + Cars = Danger Each summer, children die unnecessary and heartbreaking deaths when they are accidentally left in a vehicle that heats up quickly. It is surprisingly easy to forget about baby in the backseat when thrown off your routine, daydreaming or simply dealing with … [Read more...]
4 Tips You Need To Know About Water Safety And CPR To Keep Your Family Safe
Tips You Need to Know About Water Safety Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-4 and the #2 cause of death in children ages 5-9? (cite Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) In 2023, 133 drowning incidents occurred in Arizona- with 57 deaths … [Read more...]
Our AEDs are the best! Here’s why!
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) save lives. There is no doubt about that. Our AEDs are the Best! Here's Why! But what exactly are they and why should you buy one from us (HHP)? First, a little history. Simply put, your heart is a battery that generates its own electricity to power … [Read more...]
Who Needs CPR Training?
Who Needs CPR Training? Medical personnel like doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians, Nursing Students, Nurses, Certified Nurse Assistants, CNA Students. Police, sheriffs, firefighters, emergency medical technicians (EMT) and first responders. Medical and Dental Office Staff, Personal … [Read more...]
We Offer Mobile CPR Training!
Mobile CPR Training is a concept that we at Home Hazard Prevention have been using since we began teaching. Instead of you coming to our office for a training class, we come to you! While our administrative office is located in Queen Creek, our instructors are available to travel to conduct training … [Read more...]
Happy Mother’s Day
We here at Home Hazard Prevention just want to take a moment to say “Thank You!” to Mothers all over the world. To my wife, please know that even though our children aren’t old enough to fully understand, we all wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. To my own Mother, thank you for being my Mom and putting … [Read more...]