Arizona Students Now Need CPR Training—Is Your Teen Prepared? Did you know that CPR training is now a graduation requirement for Arizona high school students? As of July 1, 2019, all students must complete CPR training before receiving their diploma. This life-saving skill isn’t just a box to … [Read more...]
Winter & Car Seat Safety Tips
Good morning friends! We are now in the dead middle of winter, and this is a great time to talk about traveling with your kids during the cold winter months. We all know that children cannot properly regulate their body temperatures- so we are told to layer them in 1 more layer of clothes than we … [Read more...]
Keeping Your Family Healthy, Naturally
We have a special guest article today, from a Mother who found a solution to all her family ills. Dawn Oliphant is a great leader in our communities, and a champion for all natural cleaning solutions. Here is her story about how an illness in her family has helped her transform her family and many … [Read more...]
Donating Blood Can Save Your Life!
January is National Blood Donor Month, and the Holidays in general are a good time to donate blood and plasma. Donating blood and plasma is a relatively quick (about 90 minutes) and painless procedure. Many times, you can schedule a time with The Red Cross directly, or perhaps your office can … [Read more...]
Professional Realtors Stand Out
I've heard that Real Estate professionals spends up to 50% of their commission on advertising. I don't know if that is true or not; I personally think that number is absurd, but I don’t work directly in that field. But I do know of some services and ideas that may help reduce that enormous expense … [Read more...]
Firefighter Led Programs Save Lives!
Stay safe with Home Hazard Prevention (HHP)- a team of professional firefighters dedicated to protecting you and your loved ones. Our hands-on safety programs, led by experienced paramedics and EMTs, are tailored to your schedule and take place right in your home or business. Firefighter Led … [Read more...]
Tips for Dryer Vent Safety to Keep Your Family Safe
When Was the Last Time You Had Your Dryer Vent Cleaned? Your dryer is one of the most frequently used appliances in your home, but have you ever thought about the hidden dangers lurking in its venting system? Lint and debris can accumulate over time, causing your dryer to work harder than … [Read more...]
Thank A Veteran Today!
September is a great month for many reasons. It is also a sad day for those of us that were and still are impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. This September I challenge each of you to Thank a Veteran and to become better citizens as September 17 is Citizenship (or Constitution) Day in … [Read more...]
Turkey Day Safety Tips
The Holidays are here. And that often times means traveling by planes, trains and automobiles (FYI, one of my favorite holiday movies...). While traveling should be painless and seeing family should be fun, that occasionally takes a lot of work (and luck) to avoid any tragedies. Here are a few … [Read more...]
Winter Car Seat Safety Tips
Winter is here. Or at least Arizona’s version of winter. And that means pants, sweaters and jackets for our little ones. While we always want to do the best and provide the warmest, safest and most loving car ride that we can offer. Winter Car Seat Safety Tips But we may be actually inadvertently … [Read more...]
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