Good morning friends! Have you ever fallen asleep with an infant in your bed because you wanted to cuddle one minute more or were just too tired to get up to put the baby back to bed? This week marks National Sleep Awareness Week (March 9-15th). I suffer from insomnia, so I know first hand how … [Read more...]
CPR Required For Arizona Students
Instruction on cardiopulmonary resuscitation; exemptions; definition: ON OR BEFORE JULY 1, 2019, school districts and charter schools may SHALL provide public school pupils with one or more training sessions in CPR, through the use of psycho-motor skills in an age-appropriate manner, during High … [Read more...]
Firefighter Led Programs Save Lives!
Home Hazard Prevention is owned and operated by a group of professional firefighters. Our many years of training qualifies us to be able to offer a complete safety program for keeping you and your family safe. “Think Safety, Live Safely!” is the HHP motto and that’s what we do for you on your … [Read more...]
International Overdose Awareness Day
Each year, August 31st is observed as International Overdose Awareness Day, which is a global event set aside to raise awareness of overdoses. With the rising number of opioid overdoses across the U.S., CPR and First Aid training classes are starting to incorporate the signs, symptoms, and … [Read more...]
Mobile CPR & AED Training is Here
We offer CPR/First Aid/AED training, at your location and on your time! Since every June is National CPR & AED Awareness Month, we would like to remind you that as a group of professional firefighters, we can offer you the best CPR training available. Here are some good reasons to learn … [Read more...]
5 Important Keys To Water Safety
My name is Angelee Holt and I have been teaching Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) lessons in Queen Creek for 11+ years. I chose ISR for my oldest child when he was just 15 months old and went through the training that same summer (2007). After having my first child I became so much more aware of … [Read more...]
10 Reasons To Learn CPR
It’s standard procedure to find fire extinguishers in businesses. As an employee, you are trained on placement and use of the fire extinguishers though you may never experience a fire for a long as you work there, but you’ll have the tools to extinguish or help slow the spread of a … [Read more...]
4 Tips You Need To Know About Water Safety And CPR To Keep Your Family Safe
Tips You Need to Know About Water Safety Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-4 and the #2 cause of death in children ages 5-9? (cite Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) In 2023, 133 drowning incidents occurred in Arizona- with 57 deaths … [Read more...]
So You Purchased An AED. Now What?
You Purchased an AED…Now What? Each year, more than 375,000 people suffer from (out-of-hospital) cardiac arrest – an electrical malfunction in the heart that disrupts the flow of blood to the brain, lungs, and other vital organs. As a leading cause of death, chances of surviving a cardiac arrest … [Read more...]
Our AEDs are the best! Here’s why!
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) save lives. There is no doubt about that. Our AEDs are the Best! Here's Why! But what exactly are they and why should you buy one from us (HHP)? First, a little history. Simply put, your heart is a battery that generates its own electricity to power … [Read more...]