Mobile CPR Training is a concept that we at Home Hazard Prevention have been using since we began teaching. Instead of you coming to our office for a training class, we come to you! While our administrative office is located in Queen Creek, our instructors are available to travel to conduct training … [Read more...]
Stroller & Carrier Safety Tips
Child passenger safety week continues with another great set of tips for your enjoyment. While car seats are a relatively new safety feature for vehicles, they can be extremely cumbersome and difficult to install. Especially when the technology changes every year. What was the golden standard last … [Read more...]
Children & Heatstroke Safety Tips
Vehicular safety for children goes beyond car seats. Here are a few more things to keep in mind when your baby or toddler is in and around cars. These tips are for more than just babies, toddlers, and children. These tips are also useful for adults. Children & Heatstroke Safety Tips Top … [Read more...]
National EMS Week – Our Unsung Heros
Greetings Friends! This week is National EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Week. This may not mean much to you directly, but it should. There is a HUGE group of dedicated individuals across the nation that don’t know you, but in your time of need, they will forego their own health and safety to … [Read more...]
National Nurses Week 2023
It seems like everywhere you look these days you see appreciation for our first responders. This week, we want focus on some of the unsung heroes in that category. National Nurses Week 2023 Very few people can say they have never been touched by a nurse. Most of us met one within the first breaths … [Read more...]
We Need Your Help
According to the Arizona Injury Prevention Plan and Safe Kids Maricopa County, the average car seat in use in Arizona has nearly 3 misuses. That number is huge and has the potential to negatively affect the children that rely upon them. Some of the most common misuses are: • Incorrect reclining … [Read more...]
Christmas In July!
Good morning Friends! I could not wait for today to get here! This is the official announcement for our Christmas in July Program. Nearly every day, we are partnering with another small, locally owned company to raffle 1 or more gifts. Prizes that are for you, just for being an AWESOME and engaged … [Read more...]