Hi friends!
May is Wildfire Preparedness Month. Please take a moment to review your own situation around your home and neighborhood. It’s a little early for us here in Phoenix to worry about a devastating wildfire. But there are steps that we can take nonetheless to help prevent any fires.
Wildfire Preparedness Month
• Keep grass and shrubs maintained and remove excess vegetation from at least 30’ from around your home.
• Clear excess vegetation from any walkways, washes, and other areas that are overgrown.
• Practice fire safety inside and out around your home. Never allow unsupervised use of any open flame or heat generating product.
• Water and manicure your land and other greenery. Wet stuff is harder to catch fire!
• Know more than 1 escape route so your ready in the event that an evacuation were to occur.
Remember, most grass and wildfires start extremely small and should have been prevented. A fire does not have to be of the huge fires that we often see affecting California, the Western US and other Southern States. As a firefighter, I have been on dozens of fires that started in a residential neighborhood due to a careless mistake that turned into large grass fires and even a few house fires. If not for the quick thinking and heroic actions by the firefighters, these all would have been more devastating than they turned out to be.
Be sure to call Home Hazard Prevention for all of your fire safety needs. We can help you with your smoke detectors, train you on fire extinguishers, help create EDITH plans, and offer a custom safety solution for your family.
‘Safety Nick’, as he is affectionately known, is the owner and operator of Home Hazard Prevention, LLC (HHP). As a professional firefighter in the Valley since 2005 with an extensive background in responding to and preventing emergencies, Nick felt that it was time to help the citizens of Maricopa and Pinal Counties learn how to be safe and protect their loved ones in a proactive manner. In 2012, HHP was launched. With the support of his wonderful (and understanding!) wife and two beautiful children, Nick works tireless hours, not only to help save your family’s lives, as a firefighter and a community safety expert, but also to be able to spend quality time with his family. Nick moved to Arizona over 20 years ago and enjoys exploring our great state with his family.
Be sure to contact Home Hazard Prevention for any of your family or business safety needs. From mobile CPR training to car seat education to infant safety (and much more!) HHP is here to help! Remember, a complete safety program does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. There is no one more qualified than a group of professional firefighters to keep your family safe! (480) 448-0266 or [email protected]
© HHP, LLC 2012-2021