Today, we are blessed with a guest blog from a personal friend and champion on and off the Football field. Coach Mike Brown is as down to Earth as it gets, and is serious about sports safety and as a Realtor, he brings that same passion to his professional life as well!
Youth Sports and Concussion Awareness
As a football coach for over 20 years I have seen the evolution of concussions and the protocols we now use to prevent them. Totally preventing concussions is an impossible task in a sport like football. A tackle or even a simple fall could shake the head around enough to start a concussion. The old school coach in me used to take kids and tell them to shake it off. I look back at how I used to teach and praise aggressive blocking and tackling. Coaches like me, who came from a different era, remember the things that we used to that put kids in danger. Now we do our best to keep our kids out of danger.
I love the game of football, and I think it teaches so many life lessons; but we made a conscious effort to get the head out of the game. When the data came out, we learned that the damage of concussions along with post-concussion symptoms were costing players significant side effects and in some cases their lives. That data also opened our eyes that the players, trainers, and the coaches needed to do a far better job. We now teach tackling and not hitting. We now have trainers that thoroughly examine players better and hold them out of games regardless of the importance of the game. Trainers and coaches work together now to make sure when that player is ready to play, they must be clear of all their concussion symptoms to let them back in. It got to the point where if we did not make these changes, we ran the risk of not having the game.
We officiate the game far better than even just 5 years ago. Rules have tightened up allowing officials to penalize a team and, in some cases, ejecting players for using their head and helmet to tackle or block. Players had to adjust not only for their team but for themselves. The consequences on the field became stricter and the care became more efficient. Stricter consequences helped the game evolve in recent years. Some may think that this is not for the better because the old school in them still love the aggressiveness and they miss that. For me as a coach the game is more artistic and I enjoy coaching the strategy and the physical development to players. We are evolving and ultimately it is a good thing. I feel comfortable with the direction we are going we’re going. We continue to study the science of concussions with the hopes of treating them better. But I also feel comfortable that eventually we are going to get to the point where we can prevent them all together.
Mike Brown
Realtor (and longtime football coach)
Opendoor Brokerage
(480) 453-4352
Chandler, Arizona
Coach Mike Brown brings Leadership and excitement to everything that he does. As a long-time football coach, he has transformed numerous lives on and off the field. Coach is also a very attentive and professional Realtor. I highly recommend having a discussion with him about any topic imaginable- but you’ll get bonus points if it’s about Football or Real Estate!
Be sure to contact Home Hazard Prevention for any of your personal or family safety needs. From mobile CPR training to car seat education to infant safety (and much more!) HHP is here to help! Remember, a complete safety program does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. As a group of professional firefighters, there is no one more qualified than us to help keep your family safe! (480) 448-0266 or
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