August is Drowning Impact Awareness Month in Arizona. This program started in the summer of 2004 in response the all the drownings. Most drownings are preventable. As a firefighter, I can tell you that I have been on over 15 fatal drownings and over 40 total water submersion events (non-fatal … [Read more...]
Monsoon Season & Flash Flood Dangers
Monsoon season is here. Or at least it’s supposed to be. This can be a fun time of year, or a painful and expensive time of year. It just depends on how much of your property gets destroyed. I personally love monsoon season, except when I am at my fire station. That’s mostly due to the fact … [Read more...]
Have a Great 4th of July!
The Fourth of July is right around the corner. As go Holidays in Arizona, so goes our (firefighters’) response to house fires and preventable injuries. We have come to expect it. And so do you- just record the news and you’ll see that I am right. Generally fireworks of certain classifications are … [Read more...]
Stay Hydrated This Summer!
Last month we talked about some activities and tips for staying cool this summer. While that task of staying cool in Phoenix in the summer is nearly impossible, there are a few things you can do to help. Mainly stay hydrated. Drink water or sports drinks (mix with 50% water), I personally use … [Read more...]
Beat The Heat & Stay Safe This Summer!
The heat is on. It generally gets here in mid-March; but we've been extremely lucky so far with the cooler weather. But those trends are changing. We know it and we deal with it- after all, 3 months of Hell on Earth isn’t so bad. Just ask the people from the East Coast how their … [Read more...]
Breast Cancer Benefit & Treatment Event
This e-newsletter is a little different from the others. The topic today is not a very fun one, but a necessary one. Breast cancer has the ability to affect anyone at anytime, and their families as well. Their is an important event coming up next week, on May 28th. This event is part of a … [Read more...]
Cops & Firefighters Work Together
This week we celebrate National Police week and National EMS week. Don't worry about us firefighters- we don't care for the extra attention. We don't care for it; but we get it every October as that's when National Fire Prevention Month (and Week) is! If you are like most people, you hate to … [Read more...]
Phoenix Car Seat Company Wins Major Award
Firefighter Owned Business wins National Award to help with Car Seat Installation The Manufacturers Alliance for Child Passenger Safety (MACPS) is a consortium of car seat, child restraint and vehicle manufacturers. Established several years ago by Safe Kids Worldwide, the Alliance’s mission … [Read more...]
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