According to the Arizona Injury Prevention Plan and Safe Kids Maricopa County, the average car seat in use in Arizona has nearly 3 misuses. That number is huge and has the potential to negatively affect the children that rely upon them. Some of the most common misuses are:
• Incorrect reclining angle.
• Too much movement in the car seat.
• Too much/ too little slack in the harness.
We Need Your Help!
Since kids cannot protect themselves and must rely on others for help and to stay safe, its imperative that we work together to get and keep them secured in their car seats. This is where you come in.
We are in need of your help co-sponsoring community car seat checks.
Home Hazard Prevention contracts with Nationally Certified Car Seat Technicians and Instructors to staff these events, and we need your help bringing them and all of the materials together. For every $46 spent on car seat checks and education, there is a $1900 return of investment because the intervention prevented injury, medical costs, and other resource cost savings such as fire/EMS services, police work, property damages, work loss, and quality of life costs.
A small investment from your company has the ability to directly and positively impact dozens of people and the financial impact is exponential for each seat that we can help educate the parents about. Not only will you be responsible for helping save lives and keep children safer, we give you direct access to the attendees so that you may also advertise your services.
Please join us in working together to help protect our children and also grow your business organically.
Safety Nick, as he is affectionately known, is the owner and operator of Home Hazard Prevention, LLC. Nick has been a professional firefighter in the South East Valley since 2005. HHP was launched in the Winter of 2012.
© HHP, LLC 2012-2014